Sunday, March 11, 2007

Something for NOW

I dislike my previous photo posts. It doesn't mean I won't be posting more, naczureli.

Nils Petter Molvaer kicks ass. His музыка: It's sultry, it's harsh, it's stroking your head, it's sexy, it's textured. Not as cheesy as a cup of fucking Nescafe.
Right, I was at: Nils Petter Molvaer - Water.

It's all from Er. Dancer, Darker, Feeder, Hover, Sober, Softer, Water.

My canal house is slowly getting done.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

.uk Zakalec nie człowiek, ale w pozytywnym tego słowa znaczeniu.

Oto autorka bloga, znużona hulaszczym trybem życia, który niewątpliwie uprawiała tej nocy, lekko przysypiająca o godzinie szóstej z kawałkiem. A tu niedługo się zamknie ta doba.

Szyk zdania jak u Yody, albo i jeszcze gorzej.

Edit: hulaszczy tryb życia autorki może ujrzy tu światło dzienne. Znacznie mniejszym drukiem, ofkoz.

.uk Multicultural Gala, Manchester Whitworth Hall, UoM

Kilka fotek i pare slow.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

.uk Bath and Stonehenge, which was utterly outrageous

Seriously, one of the worst pictures on this site. I just put it up for the sake of putting up a ridiculous heap of stones, the world heritage. Yes, you could look at it from such a distance.