Sunday, January 22, 2006

Clubcafe, taken at the very end of 2004.

People, it's less than -20 degrees.


Sub-zero temperatures enhance colours.

Tribute 1.

Tribute 2.

Spare me those spiteful comments that I look like a snow(wo)man, pls. Ha.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

See the world from 3.5 cm above the ground.

Although no one admits it, everyone likes to take a peek at some dangling sweeties.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Reminiscences from Wiele

Meet I. and J. They will remember you.

Black sun in a white world (don't blame IKEA[tm]).

Reminiscences from Starogard GdaƄski

2 trains, 1 change.

None of this would have happened, if it hadn't been for my guide. J.

Dragons in the sky.

A kite is what I like.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Shelly shell.

Let's say, you've got a shell and some ideas how to transform it. Yeah, you want some summer in January, don't you?

Cool shape, but not quite the right way.

Try again. What's a shelly shell anyway? It's a cut cone shaped like a spiral, but watch out! Sometimes slugs can hide in there, eww, gross.

You can use a nasty steel wire if you want.

And shape it to your liking. Spiral + ribs is the answer.

Put some straps of moist rice paper on those ribs.

Biological approach

Once again, starting from oldies. Plant tubules just before the exam session.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

In a considerable amount of UV radiation, as summer climbs its peak.

Lowland delights.